Helluva Boss”- Directed Vivienne Medrano, 2020-2023
Normal British Series” Directed by Brandon Rogers, 2021-2022
Blood & Makeup: The Last Laugh of Blah Blah the Clown
Directed by Brandon Rogers, 2020
Death at a Halloween Party” Directed by Brandon Rogers, 2019
Blame the Hero” Directed by Brandon Rogers, 2019
Hard Work Pays Off” Directed by Eli Massillon & Noam Sigler, 2019-
News Uncovered”- Directed Ian Hotchkiss, Christopher Lowe, 2018-2019
North Pole Complaints” Directed by Brandon Rogers, 2018

Someday” Directed by Georgina Leahy & Chris Hewitson, 2023
The rise and fall of the presidency of Bryce Tankthrust.
Directed by Brandon Rogers,2019
The Wrong Sort” Directed by J.R. Thal,2019
Tennessee Goblin” Directed by J.R. Thal,2018

"The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark
Directed by Oliver Simonsen, 2021
"The LA Diner” Directed by Sridhar Ranganath, 2020
Monster Party Directed by Chris von Hoffmann, Produced by, 2019
The Blueblack Hussar” Directed by Jack Bond, 2013